Our company has always implemented a policy strongly oriented towards quality and the continual innovation of its offering.
In the Research and Development laboratory, the heart and soul of the company, engineers and researchers, with in-depth knowledge of ceramics, mineralogy and chemistry, work constantly in close contact with the very best international universities and external research laboratories to identify new products for specific requirements.
The sophisticated equipment, the development of new installation techniques and access to a vast range of high quality raw materials guarantee Eredi Scabini unrivalled flexibility in the development of more and more complex materials, constantly at the state of the art.
Responsive to the evolving market and with a clear orientation towards new technologies, during the last few years Eredi Scabini’s research work has focused above all on the development of nanotechnology and the application of its basic principles in the refractory sector.
This has been a project on a vast scale, in which the company has invested and is continuing to invest immense human and financial resources and which is already yielding amazing results.
Today nanotechnology itself is no longer new, and plenty of companies have already used and sold it in their products. We are not content with this, we are doing much more.
We view nanotechnology as simply a means to the development of a new product concept with features that write new chapters in the history of refractory materials
A product, or rather an extended family of products with such revolutionary characteristics that we feel it is reductive to describe them as just “nanostructured castables”.
Eredi Scabini owns hundreds of exclusive proprietary products.
The nanoplastic products further extend its offering, giving its customers a vast range of options for dealing with every requirement in the best possible way, in terms of both performance and cost.
We will be coming back to this topic with further information very soon …