
Over time, Eredi Scabini has established a Quality Management System which not only meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001 Standard but also guarantees its customers safe products, compliant with contractual requirements and the relevant legislation, as well as reliable solutions and services.
With the aim of continually improving its services, the company undertakes the following planning, prevention and control activities:

  • creation of the continuous-support Quality Assurance Service in order to guarantee the correct management of the “Quality Management System”
  • definition, planning and regular review of improvement targets as set in the “Improvement Plan”
  • design and development of products that satisfy customers’ needs and expectations in terms of high-quality durability, helpfulness and providing answers on time, helpful and competent technical staff
  • definition of the sequence and interactions between company processes, constantly aiming to implement value-added activities while simultaneously reducing waste and analyzing individual risks
  • promotion and adoption of a culture and mentality of collaboration in relation to customers and suppliers through messages on the noticeboard, emails, meets and websites
  • involvement and motivation of staff at all levels, implementing appropriate training programmes for every position, to heighten employees’ awareness and sense of responsibility with regard to company strategies and Quality problems
  • compliance with the relevant regulations and legislation with regard to quality, the environment and occupational health and safety, privacy and intellectual property
  • deciding, supplying and maintaining the infrastructures needed to enable its employees to work in a safe, clean, tidy environment to obtain products and services that meet the market demands
  • activation of effective communication channels inside and outside the company
  • acquisition of the human resources and materials needed for the effective, efficient management of the “Quality Management System” and for continual improvement of the company’s competitiveness, capacity and skillsets

The current standard of reference is UNI EN ISO 9001, while the notified body which verifies compliance with the standard’s requirements is Bureau Veritas.

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